To end this debatte. It´s in that class of cars I can spend my money to about the style of the cars and the personal taste. There are a lot of good and nice looking cars out there. Sort out what you like.
When I was 20 I liked to have a fast car to impress.. who? Sorry can´t remember. But now I like to have a smooth ride and enough hp to manage every situation. I don´t drive faster then 200 km/h and I do not break the law. I like to drive for ... lets say another 40 years so it´s better to be cool on the road.
I was talking about a diesel worldrecord before Audi (which is not VW) knew how to write that. But tbh. I don´t care if Pug or VW is better. I like Peugeot more. Thats all.
"caractéristiques: en 1965, elle a parcouru 16627 km en 103 heures, soit 161km/h de moyenne. "
Sounds like you really do not know much about the history of Peugeot BlueFlame. Its one of the most traditional car builders left in the world. They build one of the first passengers cars with diesel engine, WR on Pikes Peak, Rallye Championchip, Lemans, several Diesel Worldrecords and and and and. And of course the first real Coupe-Cabriolet. Ages before Ford and even nearly a century before Mercedes. Ask yourself why you don´t see many older Mercedes and Peugeots on the roads. They are all inn africa.
Of course Ford is NOT a german brand but Ford has a complete own german "line" of cars sinse ages. Or would you call a Fiesta an "american car"?
Peugeot cars are really good imo. For private I owned several PUGs, 205, 405 and 605. Never had trouble with this cars. I love the late 80z car shape, straight lines no chrome-lookin plasticparts. The only 2 german brands I would buy is (of course) Opel and Mercedes. Ford and BMW... suc.. erm... I don´t like...
Im not talking about having a light in the trunk dude. It´s about a well lighted engine while driving.
The handbrake was the main reason why we did not bought the new passats. We (salesmen) had not much fun with the old passats, too loud, too slow, too ugly. The new one (as a combi) was too ugly too us at all and my boss was thinking that the new passat looks too big and luxurious for a salesman-car. So we got the new Peugeot 407 SW. Not really a beauty, specially from the back - but it´s a great car. FAP included.
Illuminated passengers room is forbitten in "normal" cars. I don´t like that new cars seems to be able to do everything. Same goes to an electric handbrake.
Not for me. A car where you can buy a "iluminated motorbay" is just blingbling mentality. Not a car at all. R8 is a toy for people who like to have a 4th car or so. And the sidepanels looks disgusting imo.
I got a P90 years ago. I payed 4.800 DM (€2.300) for it and the processor had a (well known) malfunction. I wrote several letters to Intel but they were not willing to change the CPU. That happend to many people with this processor type. Since that experience: No Intel anymore!
Changing he ride high in an Opel (CrazyHarryStyle)
Get a proper big Opel (f.e. Carlton or Commodore)
-Angle sander
-blue paint
-a "MATTIG" Sticker
-red KONIs
Rip the springs out of the suspension, cut them as much you like, clean them from the rust, paint them in blue, use the MATTIG Sticker, welding stabil metal plates on the high fixing points of the suspension ("DOM" in german), go to the technical service with a technical sheet for MATTIG Sport suspension and you have a "legal" 150mm low suspension.
IMO £500 is more then enough to create a good system. Just stay away from that Intel and Geforce (crap^^)
Go get a proper AMD, like 6000+ for around £120, a 1950 Pro (still the shit) for around £100, a good mainboard for around £70, 2x1Gigs of ram (800Mhz) around £100 and a HD for £50. That´s all you need imo.